Author Topic: Instructable: How To Go Bald If You Have Psoriasis!!!  (Read 3804 times)

Offline Derris The Barber

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Instructable: How To Go Bald If You Have Psoriasis!!!
« on: April 07, 2012, 01:11:21 PM »
Hey you guys it's me Derris Felder aka Derris The Barber Felder and today I'm gonna tell you guys who have psoriasis but want to shave their head bald! After hearing a story from a HeadBlader named Dave who had psoriasis and went bald, I know you others can do the same!


1.Take a pair of clippers and shave your head bald with no guard

2.Then apply shaving cream and then razor shave your head

3. After razor shaving your head and applying aftershave use some apricot facial scrub and apply it to your head and use the scrub for a good 5-7 mins

4. Use the Apricot Facial Scrub everyday until you see results

5. After you psoriasis clears up use this scrub 1-2 times a week

6. Keep your head shaved bald

Link to the Facial Scrub

Apricot Facial Scrub

I hope this method helps you guys out but remember this method MAY NOT HELP EVERYBODY!!! Take care you Sly-Sters!
« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 01:16:35 PM by Derris The Barber Felder »

-Derris The Barber