Author Topic: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!  (Read 508926 times)

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #165 on: December 17, 2016, 05:45:22 AM »
Hey all,

First post here.

I just bought the Wahl Balding clippers and I used them straight out of the box without adjusting them.  I was able to do my head fine and it got sandpaper-y close, but the neck was a little dicey and I had some minor irritation.

I adjusted them a tiny amount (I think the blades were actually over the guard a fraction of a millimeter) and now I can use them on my head, face, and neck without issue.

They are powerful, too; nothing like those beard and body trimmers that you've gotta run over the same spot a dozen times.

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #166 on: January 15, 2017, 09:23:49 AM »

Cuts very close then?

Offline _Dan_

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #167 on: March 12, 2017, 11:04:59 PM »
Just signed up here. I remember scanning through this thread a while back as i was looking for a new electric razor / clipper.

Still am.  I tend to prefer the 1 - 3 days growth look (after clean shave) and was looking to pick up something that would let me maintain that.

Is there any general consensus on what the best option is? seems to be a lot of mixed opinions. Whilst the wahl balding clips appear to be the most well known, ive seen some not so great reviews.
The foil shavers i saw mentioned seemed to be more what i was looking for
something like:

think i must of found it and bookmarked it form when i first browsed this thread. Curious if many have experience with using foil shavers to get a close shave on their head?

Offline Themightyjuice

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #168 on: March 13, 2017, 06:56:22 AM »
I still champion the Wahl balding clipper. I see lots of reviews on people who seem to cut themselves. I ask myself how they are using them. I've been using mine for a year on and off and I've never cut myself once. I use them very quickly too. I can do my whole head in 5-10 mins. It cuts to what I'd say equivalent to 1.5 days growth from sly. Leaves a rough stubbly feel and looks really good. Very powerful and strong clippers, if maintained properly, your grandchildren could use. Mine will probably outlast me. I love them. Never had an issue with them, cut evenly and consistently every time.

Offline Magoo

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #169 on: March 13, 2017, 08:11:28 AM »
Dan , I find a foil shaver will not give the cut you want. It will be almost as short as a blade razor. I would suggest the use of a regular Wahl clipper , not the Balding clipper. Less chances of nicks and cuts.Also many have an adjustable blade .
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Offline HalalTuna

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #170 on: April 17, 2017, 12:04:31 PM »
Late to the party - but i've been reading posts on this forum for the last few months. I finally "Came Home" about 5 months ago or so. For me (black guy with wiry hair), my best shave comes from using Andis tools. I use the T Outliner to start and then i follow up with the Andis Profoil (foil shaver).

To avoid irritiation, I rinse my head with cold water or apply a cold water towel after I shave with the Liner. Once that's done and dry, i follow up with the foil shaver and then repeat the cold water/cold towel step. This keeps the pores tights and helps battle irritation. As a final step, I'll spray my head with witch hazel and then apply a restorative balm.. usually unscented cocoa butter. 

i've been bump/irritation free and the shaves are smooth/stubbl free.

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #171 on: April 22, 2017, 02:38:14 PM »
Guys which of the closest cut trimmers has the widest blade?

Offline _Dan_

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #172 on: June 02, 2017, 05:01:34 PM »
as a follow up to my previous post. I still went ahead and picked up a foil face shaver, a top end  Panasonic arc 5

prior to this i had decided to switch to fully bald (had been previously going no guard with clippers) and had also started razor shaving. But im still very pleased that i picked up the arc 5 as on those occasions where i dont feel like going through the full shave process (or if i have some irritation), this thing gets extremely close to a razor shave finish. It can require a few passes but the size of the head on it makes it still relatively quick as it covers a lot of  area at once.  Expensive  too but that seems to be for good reason.

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #173 on: September 17, 2018, 05:51:05 PM »
The Panasonic Arc 5 is my foil razor I use, it'll get as close as a wet shave I find but does cause irritation as takes a few passed in some areas if you like the super close skin only feel cut.

Going to try these out soon I think Babyliss supercrew cut clippers.

Offline jason_clive

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #174 on: October 23, 2018, 04:08:23 PM »
The Wahl balding clippers are good but not totally necessary, and not even the best option out there. There are several other really good ones that can get as close as you’ll ever need. Look how some of the top ones compare and you’ll see what I mean:

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #175 on: January 13, 2019, 04:18:17 PM »
Sly gal here.

Just wanted to give a huge shout-out to the Remington HC4250 Shortcut Pro Self-Haircut Kit. I love this baby! I used the Wahl balding clippers before, but they were just too aggressive and I was kinda scared of them...and they were heavy to hold for that long. So I got the Remington HC4250 and it's battery-operated (Lithium-ion) and gives me multiple shaves per charge.

I love it because it's got a curved blade!

I haven't been worried about cutting myself once! I rinse it very well under a stream of water and the blades clean out without rusting or needing to be re-aligned (there's actually no way that I can tell for the blades to not be aligned).

While it's geared towards regular trims using guards for a variety of lengths, I use it solely for quick down-to-stubble sessions or for cutting things down enough so I can use my razor if it's been a while since I've last razor shaved.

It's so quick, easy to maneuver, with a great feel in the hand and lots of power to get through multiple sessions without needing to recharge. What's not to love?!,


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« Reply #176 on: July 02, 2019, 10:42:43 PM »
Lots of research and info collected and presented here for sure. Good info.

I have used a couple of different  through the years and I've typically been loyal to the Andi's brand.

However, I thought I'd drop this off here just as a quick "mention" of this new product I came across last year.

This is the "Brio Beardscape Trimmer." It is quite an amazing clipper setup.

I purchased mine back around the end of last year and absolutely love it. Their customer service is stealth as well.

Check it out for yourself and you can decide.

Best of luck!!!
« Last Edit: July 03, 2019, 09:33:04 PM by HANDSHAVED »
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Offline jnwalt

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Re: BEST Clippers for Head-Shavers Who Don't Like a Razor Shaved Dome!!!
« Reply #177 on: May 21, 2020, 02:46:51 AM »
Hey you guys it's me Derris Felder aka Derris The Barber Felder! I 'm here to help you guys out who prefer a clipper shaved head rather than a razor shaved dome! Since I'm a barber I wanna tell you guys the best  that will shave all your hair close enough to be compared to a razor shaved dome! I'm gonna break the  up by companies!

1.[search] Balding Clipper[/search]
(These Shave Your Hair Off To The Equivalent As One Day's Growth From a Razor Shaved Dome!)

2.[search] 5-Star Shaver[/search] (These Shave Your Hair Off and Give You The Completely Bald Look)

1.[search] BGRC[/search] (These  Have Detachable Blade So I Recommend You Buy The Blade(s) That Range From #000(Shaved Look)-#00000(Completely Bald Look))

2.[search] BGRC+[/search]
(These Are The Same  As The  BGRC But These Are Cordless)

3.[search] BGRV[/search] (These Are The Same  As The  BGRC+ But These Are Faster)

4.[search] T-Outliner[/search] (These  Are GREAT For Giving You A Close Shaved Dome)

5.[search] Outliner II[/search] (These Are The Same As The  T-Outliner But These DON'T Have A T-Blade)

6.[search] Styliner II[/search] (These  Will Give You The ULTRA Clippered Shaved Dome)

These  Are Kinda High In Price!

1.[search] Classic 76[/search] (These Are Also Have Detachable Blades So I Recommend You Buy The Blade(s) That Range From #000(Shaved Look)-#00000(Completely Bald Look.))

2.[search] Turbo[/search] (These Are Also Have Detachable Blades So I Recommend You Buy The Blade(s) That Range From #000(Shaved Look)-#00000(Completely Bald Look))

[search] [/search][/i]

1.[search]The  Clear Head[/search] (These  Come With Guards But If You Use The Bare Blade It Shave Your Hair Off To A Very Tight Clipper Shaved Dome)

There Are Many GREAT  By This Company But The One Below is the BEST!

1.[search] Head Groom[/search] (These  Shave Your Hair Down To 0mm!)

Links To The !!!

I Hope This Helps You Headshavers That Prefer a Clippered Shaved Dome Rather Than A Razor Shaved Dome!  Take Care You Head Shavers or Sly-Sters!

Great list, though I have  Professional 5-Star razor and not quite satisfied with it.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 02:51:25 AM by jnwalt »