Author Topic: Hair is icky  (Read 1049 times)

Offline Daven

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Hair is icky
« on: July 29, 2011, 03:37:51 PM »
I just finished reading Howie Mandell's book "Here's the deal-Don't touch Me". 

He says in it he started shaving his head due to his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and when he realized how "dirty" even clean hair was. Now he shaves his whole body (I'm going to assume chest because I don't want the mental picture of other hairy areas" LOL.

I also have big time OCD and it really rang true to me. Even when my hair was clean, I would wash my hair about 4 times int the shower because the bottle says rinse lather rinse repeat, but doesn't say how many times ' <rim shot>. It never felt clean enough. Now a days you can see his shadow he has MPB but I don't doubt why he started.  The book is AMAZING and he really opens up and becomes vulnerable.

Anyway, does anyone else here feel "cleaner" sly? Are Howie and I the only ones that think that hair is dirty? is "hygiene" the reason any of you started to shave? 

I really love feeling clean and sly. It's kinda dangerous though, Since I shave every other day, once in a while when I feel the sandpaper feel, I gotta go take care of it and shave again. :) 

AKA Gimpy