Discussions About Being Bald > Reactions to being Bald
Newly bald, Reunion approaching...
Hey guys,
Awesome site! I was hoping to find a place like this and here it is. Great job.
Anyway, here's my story. I started losing my hair when I was 20. Did the whole shave, gel, products, etc. to give the illusion of hair. When I was losing the battle, I caved in and joined hair club. It's hard for me to even write that sentence. Well, this was a decision that would make me a prisoner to a hair piece for many years.
The other night, I said F-it, and I got my clippers out and shaved it as tight as possible. Then, got the blade out and went the rest of the way. Thank God, I finally had the balls to do this. I still have that new car feeling where it's a surprise to me every time I pass a mirror, but I like it and I know it'll get even better the more used to it I get.
Now to the point, I'll be seeing many people I know for the first time as a bald guy. And in a month I have a 10 year reunion. My question is, how do you handle the comments from these people? If someone makes the cue ball joke or any other obvious zinger. I'm thinking it's all a matter of how you handle yourself, confidence, etc.
Hey seanc7nyc,
First of all, welcome to Sly Bald Guys! I'm glad you like the site, but I'm more glad that you're embracing your baldness. What happened in the past is just a learning experience to give you confidence in the present and springboard you into the future.
Off to the 10 year reunion in a month, eh? Well, it will be a blast! I had my 10 year just one year ago and it was also the first time that the majority of my old friends and classmates saw me with my bald look. Now,I had the look for 2 years prior to going, so I had a deep rooted confidence in my bald look, but from reading this post I can see that you love your new look and you're happy you did this. So, it sounds like you have the building blocks of confidence already.
--- Quote ---I'm thinking it's all a matter of how you handle yourself, confidence, etc.
--- End quote ---
You're exactly right on this point. I don't think you are going to have to worry about cue ball jokes or any other jokes for that matter. I didn't get any jokes at my reunion and I rarely ever get them in general. Usually if someone refers to me being bald they will say something like "Hey Mr. Clean" or "What's up skinhead?" but these are usually people that I know pretty well and I know they are kidding around. I then usually wink at them and say something like "you like it, huh?" or if I'm in a fiesty mood I'll say "you're just jealous that I look so good!"
Just remember that most people are more worried how they look after 10 years and are afraid that people will judge them. So, sit back, be confident, and enjoy the head rubs!
You're on the right track, and besides, if anyone flips you crap, remember, it's just like bullies growing up, shrug it off. The girls will probably be rubbing your head! (which rocks btw!! hehe) And for the record, thx fellas, 10-15 year reunion, lol waiting on my 20!!! DoH hahaha :P Embrace your new look, I love mine, going on almost 20 years bald!
Thanks guys. Saw some people for the first time since shaving tonight and it went great. It's all about the confidence. And mine is multiplying by the day.
Thanks for the welcome, tyler! Great site!
Glad your first couple of bald days are going well! I'm sure you'll have many more!
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