Author Topic: Anyone shave with a double edge safety razor?  (Read 14086 times)

Offline VictorMackey

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Anyone shave with a double edge safety razor?
« on: May 20, 2011, 12:47:56 PM »
So I got a full traditional kit a week back; the traditional safety razor, the badger hair brush, arko shave soap and 100 Derby blades as well as 5 that came with the razor.

The reason I switched up to a safety razor is because there's a big following online and they all swear by them that they're better than modern cartridge razors; cheaper, give a better shave and don't cause ingrown hairs.

Well being completely disillusioned with head shaving after the continual red, patchy, bumpy ingrown hairs I was getting on the back of my neck each and every time, that looked utterly awful (and which I posted about here), I took the plunge.

Anyway, things were going well at first. Wasn't getting it as close as I liked and both my face and head felt smooth and rough all over without the consistency of a mach fusion which always leaves me smooth.

However today was an absolute nightmare. I got a good lather going with the arko shave soap which I really worked into the hairs, I got a brand new blade and began on my face.  Had a good, clean shave, no red bumps or ingrowns, and just a couple of cuts here and there. 

However my head was another matter.  The blood was pouring out and turned my shave water brown.  It was horrific.  It was all over the lather after I was taking a swipe with the razor, and I was pissed off to say the least and my head has been sore all day.

I just don't know what to do because that red and horrible bumpy patch that has existed on the back of my neck for months is finally fading, and it is a massive improvement - no placebo, it has definitely cleared up and is nearly gone already after a couple of shaves.

However, it's no good if I'm also making my head look like the set of Texas Chainsaw Massacre after every shave too.

So, any DE safety razor shavers with some advice?

Offline sailor61

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Re: Anyone shave with a double edge safety razor?
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 08:40:26 PM »
I've been toying with getting a DE for my face but would likely stick with a disposable triple for the head.

Have you been following  ?  It's s great board but the volume of information borders on being overwhelming.

Even though I am still using the Fusion on my face and the triple onmy head I have gotten into the traditional approach to lather.  Love the feeling of working the lather in with my badger brush.  I've tried a few soaps and creams but have to say you made a great choice with the Arko - that stuff rules!



Offline Titus13

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Re: Anyone shave with a double edge safety razor?
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2011, 10:08:06 PM »
I use a double edge on my face and have used on my head
but I still prefer the fusion for my noggin

Offline Blitzed

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Re: Anyone shave with a double edge safety razor?
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2011, 10:12:44 AM »
Thanks for solving a problem. Some years back I'd found a presentation box from the US Chamber Of Commerce circa 1937 and it contained a gold plated Gillette razor and two elaborate packs of gold plated blades. Clearly my father had never used them but looking at the razor, and remembering the long, long history Gillette had with shaving I began to wonder....I'd used one at university; It was cheaper and, then, electric shavers were expensive and then as now I didn't feel I got a clean, smooth shave. So fondling the newly found razor I began to think...why not? I now know why not and Thank You! By the way, have you ever tried some of the shaving products sold by George Trumper in London? All superb and a visit to the Trumper shop for "the works" when you're in London is worth it and, for what you get, not overpriced. They'll shave your face and head-something few barber shops in the U S will do, give you a facial, a face and head massage, hot towels, of course, a double shave on your face and, should you wish it, remove enough chest fur so that you've no implied jungle sticking out the neck of a shirt. But here's the real deal. Several days a week they have classes where they teach one the delicate art of using the cut throat razor. It's not simple and blood will be shed but if you take the whole course-which lasts over several days to allow slices and cuts to heal-you'll be quite proficient.
However based on expert advice, I believe I'll put the razor back and give the whole thing to the Historical Museum.

Offline buddha

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Re: Anyone shave with a double edge safety razor?
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2011, 12:39:02 PM »

However my head was another matter.  The blood was pouring out and turned my shave water brown.  It was horrific.  It was all over the lather after I was taking a swipe with the razor, and I was pissed off to say the least and my head has been sore all day.

My head started to bleed just from reading this. This is why I stay with the HB or M5 for the dome. I would bleed out in minutes if I tried to use a DE up top. About this there is NO uncertainty. And like Harry Callahan said, "A man's got to know his limitations".
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anything else thereafter."
Ernest Hemingway, On The Blue Water.

Offline SlyCanuck

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Re: Anyone shave with a double edge safety razor?
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2011, 04:23:07 PM »
I have tried a de blade.  I like that it is super cheap, but it takes way longer and the fear of a deep cut is always evident.  I prefer my Mach 3.  It is expensive compared to a de, but I can shave quicly.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 12:34:09 AM by Tyler »
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