Author Topic: 19 and very on the fence  (Read 5263 times)

Offline cope9

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Re: 19 and very on the fence
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2011, 10:36:51 PM »
im sorry this is so late but i figure i should give and update on my experience. i did in fact go sly a few days after posting this and it was quite possibly the best decision of my life. its been over a year now and i cant tell you how awesome of a year its been. I CANT IMAGINE LIVING LIFE WITHOUT SHAVING MY HEAD NOW! thanks to all that posted helping me out, i cant tell you how much all of your statements and opinions helped me to make the decision. i remember at first all of my friends thought it was kind of weird but i was finally just okay with the fact that i was balding and told them all about it. its amazing how one simple decision helped me to accept it. Just wanted to let everyone know and hope this helps at least one more person. Balding isnt the end of the world, its not the worst thing that can happen to you, its a part of life, risking a disgusting surgery or money on products just isnt worth the stress, i barely even remember that im balding anymore its incredible.