Author Topic: Just got back from the doctor.  (Read 3206 times)

Offline cholifoli

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Just got back from the doctor.
« on: April 22, 2011, 05:24:14 PM »
On another post, I voiced my concern about a rash on the back of my neck. I wasn't concerned until it turned purple and became extremely painful a couple of hours ago. I called my doctor and one of the nurses told me to come right in. The doctor was busy, so I was seen by a NP. She said the rash is folliculitis, I am now using a topical antibiotic and I am not supposed to shave for at least a week or two. I rinse my razor with alcohol, use peroxide and anti acne soap. She said to change my razor every single time, that is not very practical because we all know how expensive cartridges are. Any suggestions?

Offline sailor61

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Re: Just got back from the doctor.
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2011, 05:56:11 PM »
The alcohol should knock out whatever is on the cartridges.  You might want to check out and read up on shaviing with the old style double edge razors.  The old style blades are in the X cents each range rather than cartridges at y dollars each.



Offline cholifoli

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Re: Just got back from the doctor.
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2011, 06:15:12 PM »
I appreciate the advice. I will check out those razors, in the mean time I guess it is wise to give my head a break. I've never had a problem with my face, so this is new to me.  I do live in Arizona where it has been pretty toasty, and the sweat may be part of the issue. Looks horrible, but at least it is only temporary. I'll be using the clippers with no guard until it is safe to shave again.

Offline Larry G

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Re: Just got back from the doctor.
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 04:46:36 AM »
I'm naturally bald and, therefore, don't shave my head.  However, I find that many times a year I injure my scalp in some way:  on the side of a golf cart; on a low shelf, the latest, on a car sunglass holder that I forgot to fold back in near the head liner. 
     Regardless, it's always taken a long time to heal, for some reason, longer than any other part of my body takes to heal, regardless of what I put on it...until I found this product in Phoenix at Chakra 4 herb and tea house.  I''ve been going in there to pick up psyllium husks, and was looking for something to put on a pre-cancerous sun damage area on my sideburn. 
     Well, it didn't help that, but I tried it on a cut on my scalp.  Well, I'm here to tell you, it cut down the healing time to more than half.  It's called, Garden Salve, and one of its main ingredients is bees wax.  I told the girl who makes it up in batches, "It's like Melon Spackle".  I told her I would find a forum and share it, so there you go.
