In the short while that I've been keeping SLY, I've found that I need a few razors by my side when it comes to the dome. I rotate between a 1974 Gillette Super Speed DE, and a '65 Gillette Travel Tech. There is a learning curve, but the closeness of a DE shave can only be beaten by a's amazing. However, as has been said, the melon isn't the ideal surface for DE shaving, and so I have found that Personna twin-blade disposables are perfect for getting those hard to hit places. I am new to the whole affair, and I'm sure my routine will change and evolve, but I'm sure there will always be a DE in there somewhere. The experience of a traditional wet shave with bowl, brush, and DE razor...can't beat it. For tips on wet-shaving, I'll plug Badger and Blade as well, finest site on the net for that particular experience. Also, on Youtube...check out the user mantic59, he's a BandB legend with some of the best DE tutorials on the net.