Author Topic: 1st post need alot of advice :)  (Read 11048 times)

Offline BlazinlouD

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1st post need alot of advice :)
« on: February 08, 2011, 07:40:45 PM »
Hey everyone! been creeping here for a while now, looks like a great forum ive stumbled upon  :)

but anyway, a little about myself.

Adam 25 male, thinning hair uptop, very fine and light in color, and of course the sides seem slightly darker because its obviously thicker.....bad situation.

The good part is ive been shaving with an electric beard trimmer with no guard for something like 3 years. My goal is to get the "shadow" thing going on as ive read here. basically as close as i can, with stubble, the close i cut the sides and back, the more it matches the top......

it also seems like when i cut the top, where its thinner, i get small red bumps, just not as sore or as big as my usual ingrowns get.

I seem to have been cursed with ingrown prone skin or something, because my face is the same way (self diagnosed with thricotilamania, just not as sever as some but thats another story)

Ive been buzzing my head after i shower rather than before and it has helped with ingrowns on the side and back of my head, but no matter how gentle i am with the top, i get smaller red bumps that arnt sore like ingrowns get.....?

sorry about this long confusing post, i had to get alot out.

another important question was which trimmer i should get. I like the ease of the clean head, but can it be set for a stubble look? or is it just for a "cleanhead"

Can anyone link me a reputable site to buy clippers and such that ships to canada, or better yet based in canada?

I tried but would like other options.

thank you

Offline Noodles

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Re: 1st post need alot of advice :)
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 08:05:17 PM »
Welcome to SBG, Lou!!

First of all, go to the MAIN FORUM PAGE and look under the thread labeled "Head Shaving".

Once there, you'll find an INCREDIBLE amount of information there on ALL aspects of shaving (products, techniques, hints, tips, advice, suggestions, PLUS lots more)!

 O0  Here is the website for the Conair CleanHead (an electric razor especially designed with the SLY guy in mind)!!


After the intro, click on the "How to Use" link at the top of the page to learn more!

Once again - WELCOME!!

 - Cap'n Noodles -

Offline BlazinlouD

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Re: 1st post need alot of advice :)
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 11:18:40 AM »

Offline Noodles

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Re: 1st post need alot of advice :)
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 12:08:48 PM »
Thanks for the links noodles

has anyone tried this clipper?;Beauty;Mens%20Grooming;Hair%20Clippers%20and%20Trimmers;Remington%20ShortCut%20Clipper%20-%20SCC100R&ProductID=3034303&ProductTab=3

says theres an "ultra close balding comb"

here is what i currently use;Beauty;Mens%20Grooming;Hair%20Clippers%20and%20Trimmers;Remington%208-in-1%20Grooming%20System%20-%20PG360DCDN/2&ProductID=3850930&ProductTab=3

i use it with the beard attachment which is what im guessing around 2 or 3mm and it takes alot of work and going over and over it to get there. I want 1mm or less.


The Remington looks like it could possibly be Remington's answer to the Conair (or vice-versa), depending upon which item hit the market first!

If you're a UK resident, you might want to contact some of the other SBG UK members to get their opinions, advice, and suggestions, on the products you mentioned in your post. Once again, this could possibly be the most popular items available to those individuals living in the UK.

 - Cap'n Noodles -

You could either wait to see if the UK SLY GUY members see this post and respond to your inquires, or you could start another thread directly targeted toward UK members.

 - Cap'n Noodles -

Offline BlazinlouD

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Re: 1st post need alot of advice :)
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2011, 12:32:58 PM »
thanks but im from canada

Offline Noodles

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Re: 1st post need alot of advice :)
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2011, 08:56:00 AM »
thanks but im from canada

LOL - Sorry about that, Lou...I think I saw the word "london" in the website address you posted about the two clippers and immediately my mind assumed you were from the UK!!

...I guess my "Brain Fart Mechanism" must have kicked in precisely at that moment!!  
- Cap'n Noodles -
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 09:05:49 AM by Noodles »

Offline BlazinlouD

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Re: 1st post need alot of advice :)
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2011, 08:58:15 AM »
well i ended up buying a cleanhead locally for $60 we'll see how it works very soon  :D

Offline Noodles

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Re: 1st post need alot of advice :)
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2011, 09:30:56 AM »
well i ended up buying a cleanhead locally for $60 we'll see how it works very soon  :D

I think you'll like the CleanHead. Even though I prefer a "blade shave", there are times where I'll give my melon a "break from the blade", and switch to the CleanHead for a week or so.

Even though the instructions for the CleanHead suggests using no form of shaving cream or gel, I have tried using it with such products like HeadSlick, Bald Guyz Gel, and other gels of that type of product consistency - not too thick and not to thin - and it works just fine, with no harm to the unit.

When it comes time for rinising, I remove the cap, along with the blade mechanism inside (it removes quite easily), rinse it under warm running water, gently pat dry, and re-assemble everything. The outside cover and the blade mechanism (inside the cap) only goes back on the unit ONE way, so watch how you replace the housing. If it doesn't fit just right, then flip the piece around and re-insert! There is a little indicator mark on the removable outside cap that matches the same type indicator mark on the bottom half of the unit. Make sure you align these two marks when putting the unit back together and the two halves will snap back together with ease.

After you try it out, post your comments on the forum. I believe there is a thread on the CleanHead. To find it, just click on the "SEARCH" button and type in Conair CleanHead. There you'll see a list of results pertaining to the unit.

- Cap'n Noodles -
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 09:49:44 AM by Noodles »

Offline BlazinlouD

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Re: 1st post need alot of advice :)
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2011, 08:13:30 AM »
sorry about the late reply, better late than never i guess.

the cleanhead works really good, and its pretty fast, tears through the stuble easily. leaves a smooth feel, no roughness, or sandpaper feel at all.

although i did get a fair amount of small red bumps, even using 3% peroxide as after shave, but the instructions say to allow 3 weeks to get used to it. they do seem to be lessening after 3 or 4 shaves.

overall good product so far if your looking for a quick, smooth, nick free shave. but as mentioned i dont like how the different heads attatch to it for long term durability, it just pulls off, should have a release button.

Offline Bootleg

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Re: 1st post need alot of advice :)
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2011, 12:13:56 PM »
So i know this does not address your actual question, but your problem with "ingrown hairs" sounds a whole lot like the problem I had with my skin. Little bumps in the scalp, some getting infected, others just showing a light bump. (I dont shave, I 0 guard) The ones on the back of my neck used to get large red and painful. If I squeezed them real hard, they would explode with white semisolid pustules. I would also get them in my eyebrows, on my temples, my shoulders and my back. I had been to several doctors and was given the usual treatments for acne. Antibiotics worked somewhat but, but as soon as I stopped it would come back. I started doing my own research, and started looking into Demodex Folliculum. Most of modern western medicine denies that they cause any problems with the skin and that they are part of the natural flora of something like 90% of peoples skin. If you search for testimonials online, you will find that there are many many people who have gotten their skin back by getting rid of or controlling these little mites. You may recognize demodex 1, because it causes mange in dogs, and 2, because recently there has been some talk about it contributing to MPB. Im not convinced of this, but in my case, there is definitely a direct correlation. All the sources I have found call these little buggers microscopic, this is far from true. Do a little research and you will find that the larger ones are actually 10 times the threshold of human sight in length, and about half the diameter of a hair. With good eyes, you can see them. Now If you think you might have this problem, there are a few ways to approach it. 1 talk to a derm. and see what they say. 2 go to some Chinese website and spend a bunch of money on creams, or 3, go to walmart and buy stock in Borax and hydrogen peroxide. I liked option 3, as it only cost about 5$. Fill a hot bath with water, and pour in some borax and H2O2. In a dish, mix some Borax, H2O2, and hand lotion into a cream. Liberally rub the cream all over your face and head, and get in the bath. Let it eat for a while. Repeat every few days for like 2 months. At first, your skin should get really bad due to the mites dying in your pores, and your skin pushing them out. You will notice an immediate change in your skin though if this is your problem. (shrinking of pores around nose, smoothness of skin) After about 2 weeks, I stopped getting any new red bumps. My skin has never been so clear. Where I shave my neck, I dont get a single ingrown hair anymore.
The best part of this treatment, is that it has absolutely no side effects. Even if it isn't the cause of your problem, it can't hurt to try.
I am absolutely appalled that no doctor I ever went to even mentioned these mites. If they dont cause any problems, why did I 99.9% cure my acne by eliminating them?
I hope this helps someone else, as the results it had for me have literally changed my life.

Offline melkins22

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Re: 1st post need alot of advice :)
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2011, 08:01:13 PM »
Welcome man!  Im new as well, but am already loving my shaved head!

Offline Arnie

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Re: 1st post need alot of advice :)
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2011, 09:57:08 PM »
Welcome to SBGs!!! 8)


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