Author Topic: What do women think of bald guys?  (Read 24792 times)

Offline lyndontravis

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What do women think of bald guys?
« on: January 04, 2011, 10:44:42 AM »
What do women think of bald guys? Is being bald a big issue for women?

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Offline TheSlyBear

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 11:09:25 AM »
I've heard that some think it's hot -- some think it's not.

Do you really think that there is an answer that will apply to all women?

Offline ozzie

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 11:09:46 AM »
Short answer: They love 'em!  O0

Women love confident men. Nothing says "I am confident in my own skin" as a guy with a shaved head.
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Offline D.A.L.U.I.

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2011, 11:20:59 AM »
Asking what women "think" is a loaded question, but that being a given, my guess is that they prefer sly to balding, that is to say a horseshoe, combover or some other weak kneed response to mpb.  Think, have you ever seen a movie where the hot chick says, "Damn your horseshoe turns me on?" or "Let me get my hands in that combover!"   And, besides, don't women always like more head?

Offline schro

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2011, 11:28:39 AM »
Short answer: They love 'em!  O0

Women love confident men. Nothing says "I am confident in my own skin" as a guy with a shaved head.


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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2011, 01:00:33 PM »
My woman loves my bald head!!! :@`

Offline Jack21

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2011, 02:19:15 PM »
Well, obviously women are not monolithic in their thoughts about anything. I have heard a lot of negatives from the women who I am closest to - my mother, my sister, my ex-wife. I frequently get upset with my mother and ask her to please be more thoughtful when she speaks about baldness. She has always equated baldness of any sort with ugliness. She discouraged me from ditching the rug and shaving my head. My ex wife had a lot of nasty things to say as well. She encouraged me to continue to use cosmetics in my hair to mask the thinning/ balding areas - cosmetics which my mother had given to me. I simply have never been around women who had anything but unpleasant things to say about baldness. I am sorry if I am raining on anyone's parade. I am sure that there are women out there who don't mind it at all, some who find it attractive. I am quite sure of it but I have not encountered any of them. When I used to shave my head in college when I still had a full head of hair I can't tell you how many girls asked me to grow it back. So, my history of women reacting to balding has been a very negative one and one that definitely played a roll in my resorting to desperate, ridiculous measures which I now regret terribly.
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Offline Jack21

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2011, 02:26:47 PM »
I must correct myself. A very close friend of my sister's who I dated for a while in HS recently married a bald man - not sly - with a horseshoe. She is 31 now - so 29 when they married. I don't think the topic of balding ever came up when we were dating as we were so young, but obviously she does not have the same thoughts, feelings, opinions about baldness. She is a very intelligent, very attractive young woman who ultimately got into a close relationship with a bald man and then married him. So there's the bright spot and the evidence that women are anything but monolithic in their thoughts and feelings on baldness.
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Offline Rev. Cleanhead

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2011, 07:03:28 PM »
I think the lyrics to "Cleanhead Blues" say it all:

Folks call me mister Cleanhead 'cause my head is bald on top
Folks call me mister Cleanhead 'cause my head is bald on top
And every week I save a dollar
When I walk by that barber shop

If it wasn't for you women I'd have my curly locks today
If it wasn't for you women I'd have my curly locks today
But I've been hugged kissed and petted
Till all my hair was rubbed away

When it starts to gettin' wetter
My head gets kinda cold
I try to grow a little hair
When I care to save my soul
When it comes to gettin' summer
I get such a pretty tan
You can hear all the women holler
Where I can find that Cleanhead man?

Yes they call me mister Cleanhead 'cause I've been bald a long long time
But I don't need to worry
You'll get yours and brother I know I'll get mine

Now you heard my story
And I hope you'll understand
Why you hear all the women holler
Where can I find that Cleanhead man?

You can't part the skin of a sausage,
Or a dad from his fond son and heir.
And you can't part the hair on a bald-headed man,
For there'll be no parting there.  ~Billy Bennett

Offline zzaapp

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2011, 01:18:17 PM »
There are only two women in my life whose opinion on this subject matter to me.

My mom was a quiet woman with a gift for understatement.  Her reaction was, "That's cute..." 

When my wife saw me sly for the first time, she said, "Well, I guess its not TOO bad..."  It took her about twenty minutes to get used to it.  That was about five years ago.   Now if I get lazy and skip shaving for two or three days, she tells me, "You REALLY NEED to shave your head..."

Ahhh, love that woman!!!

Offline Snooker-ball

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2011, 10:13:28 PM »
 I'm new to the site joined yestarday (great site by the way). The way I see it is this:if things are going OK in your life you may be attached in a long term relationship or married you may have more confidence anyway so you just say what the hell and go with it. You have a partner already that accepts you for you and not the way you look. I havent yet shaved my head but am losing it on top and at the back. Its just about coverable with Topik and I keep it short. Thing is Ive just come out of a 10 year relationship with a typical rock-chick lady, long blonde hair very into metal and hard rock. Although she said she never wanted to be with the long haired type of "rock" guy she always said she perfered men with hair so I stopped short of going the whole way and shaving it. "It wouldnt suit you" was her opinion. Now I know I will never get her back again Im just thinking sod it and go for the buzz look. I'm packing a few  extra pounds so would like to lose some weight before I do so as my face shape is on the round side. To sum up I think if youre lacking in confidence in the first instance may be a guy should just hold back a bit until he regains some of it. For me, and this is a personal thing I just dont think the time is right for me and just by shaving my head wouldnt instill the confidence I have lost through personal problems in my life. Im 42 and thinking is that me on the shelf now........who knows I may meet/hope to find a women that isnt that fussed about me having a bald head. Thing is and Im not blowing my own trumpet but I never had any problems with finding a lady in the past, but I had hair and was 40 pounds lighter!! Just makes you stop and think dont it? In honesty I dont really know if it was because I was losing my her my ex didnt try a bit harder to keep things together. After all the physical side of the relationship was pratically nil. May be the weight gain and the hair loss, suppose I will never really know. I did ask her but got the old, "its nothing to do with you response".

 To look cool man and I'm not just saying that. If I was your weight and face shape I'd shave the lot off today!! I'm a straight guy have a daughter with my former ex partner, I wouldnt/couldnt foresee you having any problem finding a lady mate, honestly I couldnt.

 Any comments welcome guys.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 04:01:15 AM by Snooker-ball »

Offline kevin

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2011, 10:00:22 AM »
Some Women will love it, some will not just like some guys like dark haired girls and some prefer blones or even redheads.
Some Women also will not like short guys or guys with big noses, but some will love small guys or hook nosed men.
Different strokes for different folks.

I also think that maybe some Women who are younger than 21 might be more prejudice against us baldies than Women who are over that age. I think once Women get older and I'm not saying you'll only score with older women but I think once they get a bit older, some of the ones who might have been more superficial will start to see men their age are balding and life has changed. Your priorties as a 19 year old freshman in College are very different to someone who is 24 and working 9-5.

I am no way an expert in realtionships, and I have been with my partner for 5 years now, but since I went sly I naturally have become more confident and outgoing. A huge weight was lifted it fet like and I have been getting a lot more Women smiling at me and even a few asking if I had a Girlfriend etc when out. I am by no means a perfect looking bald hunk but I think Women have picked up on me being a nice guy, friendly and assured of myself.
I can't control my hair loss but I can control being a curteous, friendly and allround nice guy to peole and that is what I try to be every single day.


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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2011, 05:44:29 AM »
howdy-post a picwhen u can, Kevin.

Offline dwingrider

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2011, 04:44:03 AM »
I think the lyrics to "Cleanhead Blues" say it all:

Folks call me mister Cleanhead 'cause my head is bald on top
Folks call me mister Cleanhead 'cause my head is bald on top
And every week I save a dollar
When I walk by that barber shop

If it wasn't for you women I'd have my curly locks today
If it wasn't for you women I'd have my curly locks today
But I've been hugged kissed and petted
Till all my hair was rubbed away

When it starts to gettin' wetter
My head gets kinda cold
I try to grow a little hair
When I care to save my soul
When it comes to gettin' summer
I get such a pretty tan
You can hear all the women holler
Where I can find that Cleanhead man?

Yes they call me mister Cleanhead 'cause I've been bald a long long time
But I don't need to worry
You'll get yours and brother I know I'll get mine

Now you heard my story
And I hope you'll understand
Why you hear all the women holler
Where can I find that Cleanhead man?

Great song O0....never heard it before, but need to hear it now :D

Offline Hezabaldpiper

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Re: What do women think of bald guys?
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2011, 10:57:36 AM »
My wife loves mine, it took her a while to come around and really like it. But once I had it for a while she cant see me with hair anymore  O0
I'd rather be Mr. Clean than Fryer Tuck


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