Author Topic: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)  (Read 104010 times)

Offline Vash

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SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« on: April 08, 2007, 03:06:03 AM »
(Note: Vashs SLY affirmations... Read these out loud, possibly while looking into a mirror)

I refuse to be told what is or is not universally attractive.
I will instead determine for myself what I will look like and seek out others who will accept, appreciate and love me, as me, for me.

I refuse to be SOLD attractiveness.
I will instead choose the products and services that suit my purposes and work well for me.

I refuse to be shamed or guilted by the media into changing my looks.
I will instead find the body, hair, clothing style that best suits me and makes me most comfortable.

I refuse to cling to or chase my inevitably fading youth.
I will instead embrace my age and enjoy the wisdom each year brings.

I refuse to be made uncomfortable by other people.
I will instead luxuriate in the comfort I find within my own skin and will enjoy and draw confidence from the frustration my comfort causes those who would change me.

I refuse to let the superficial judgments of others affect me.
I will instead instead draw confidence from my knowledge of myself and show that to others.

I refuse to accept the labels of society and the individuals that live within it.
I will instead set my own standards for myself and choose who's opinions I will listen to based on my respect for them.

This is my line in the sand. I am an individual. I am my own person.

Accept me, respect me and I'll do the same for you.

Otherwise  Lips Sealed

I am far to busy being SLY to be troubled by your narrow minded low self worth.

I'd liek to see you guys and gals add to the list of affirmations. You all can add your own stuff to this set of mantras... to help it grow. Just post a reply in the same format:

I refuse to _______________________________
I will instead _____________________________

I'd like to see how far these kind of affirmations can go.


FB: Vashon Bench
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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2007, 10:32:48 PM »
I refuse to let anyone tell me how to believe or try to change who I am.
I will instead choose to respect everyone's beliefs and understand that not everyone is able to realize that what is "right" is different for each person.

I'm not really sure if that fits in, but it's something that I stand for.

Offline Tyler

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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2007, 11:15:12 PM »
I refuse to complain about the circumstances life has dealt me.
I will instead choose to look at every circumstance that life brings me as a way to learn and grow in order to become a stronger person.
People are not limited by the circumstance that they are born in. They are limited by the size of their dreams. Show them that their dreams can have no limits and in turn their accomplishments can be limitless.

Offline Sgt. Pate

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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2007, 02:22:00 PM »
I refuse to allow myself to judge others based solely on their appearance!

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Offline shyslyguy

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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2007, 12:23:36 PM »
I refuse to be part of the problem
I will instead try to be part of the solution.
His heed was ballid, and schon as eny glas

Offline KATO

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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2007, 01:16:17 PM »
I refuse to let the things that I can not change control me, instead I will rise and view each experience as a lesson to be learned

Offline Scott

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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2007, 12:49:22 AM »
Welcome KATO!

Offline shyslyguy

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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2007, 02:13:00 AM »
I refuse to let the things that I can not change control me, instead I will rise and view each experience as a lesson to be learned

Nice one KATO -  & let me second KySly & welcome you to the forum.
Hope you stick around & post some more!
His heed was ballid, and schon as eny glas

X The Hierophant

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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2007, 09:22:13 AM »
Excellent post Vash!  Thanks for the wise words ...  O0

Offline Bolohead

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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2007, 08:10:38 AM »
I WILL NEVER AGAIN let anyone convince me to grow hair on my head.
If they don't like it, there is the door, the road has two lanes, one coming to and your welcome to stay, one leaving and I don't see an anchor attached to your ass if you don't like my looks.  Its your problem, not mine.

Offline PigPen

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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2007, 09:55:08 AM »
I WILL NEVER AGAIN let anyone convince me to grow hair on my head.
If they don't like it, there is the door, the road has two lanes, one coming to and your welcome to stay, one leaving and I don't see an anchor attached to your ass if you don't like my looks.  Its your problem, not mine.

I need to print that out for my wife. She was begging me to grow my hair back again over the weekend.
In a bacon and eggs breakfast, the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed. BE THE PIG!!!


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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2007, 09:38:14 AM »
I WILL NEVER AGAIN let anyone convince me to grow hair on my head.
If they don't like it, there is the door, the road has two lanes, one coming to and your welcome to stay, one leaving and I don't see an anchor attached to your ass if you don't like my looks.  Its your problem, not mine.

I need to print that out for my wife. She was begging me to grow my hair back again over the weekend.

Wow, really? Dude I think i would be floored....I'm glad we got that whole 'grow your hair out thing" out of the way...after 2 months of growing it out for my wedding , the wife looked at me at dinner and said..."You know, that just isn't you anymore...I think you should shave it!"...

very nice and havent had hair on my head EVER since...

Dude, you want my wife to give your girl a good talking too? ;)

Offline Timmay

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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2007, 05:25:24 PM »
I wil have to say JB said it all man.  My words exactly...i say that about everything that is part of job...etc..if you dotn liek one is forcing you to stand there and look at it....Leave!

Offline NAVRN2

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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2007, 05:35:07 PM »
Beautiful Philosophy!! O0


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Re: SLY Affirmations (An Individuals Manifesto)
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2007, 06:09:14 PM »
I WILL NEVER AGAIN let anyone convince me to grow hair on my head.
If they don't like it, there is the door, the road has two lanes, one coming to and your welcome to stay, one leaving and I don't see an anchor attached to your ass if you don't like my looks.  Its your problem, not mine.

I need to print that out for my wife. She was begging me to grow my hair back again over the weekend.

Wow, really? Dude I think i would be floored....I'm glad we got that whole 'grow your hair out thing" out of the way...after 2 months of growing it out for my wedding , the wife looked at me at dinner and said..."You know, that just isn't you anymore...I think you should shave it!"...

very nice and havent had hair on my head EVER since...

Dude, you want my wife to give your girl a good talking too? ;)

YES ! !