I know where your coming from, My hair line started receding when i was 19 years old, I was so self conscious about it, and i was always worried about it when I went out with my friends, I'm 23 now and I just decided to shave my head about 2 months ago. At first I was really self conscious about it too and thought I had made a huge mistake, I thought it looked funny and was upset what my head was a lot paler than the rest of my face and forehead. I live in Cleveland so the chance of me getting it tanner was not likely. I was thinking about going tanning or using self tanners but I didn't because I was afraid it would look even weirder. But now, 2 months later, its all evened out and i love it. When i look at pictures of me when I had hair I cant believe how much better i look now. It took a month or so for me to get used to it. but I am positive this is the best decision i've ever made. Good luck to you man, I hope this was useful