Author Topic: Your shave routine  (Read 1715 times)

Offline Snakehandler

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Your shave routine
« on: May 24, 2010, 09:21:57 PM »
I shave after a hot shower at the sink. I still wrap my head with a hot wash cloth soaked in hot water. I use a Gillette Fusion Razor and rather than lifting the razor from my head after every swipe I mostly keep it in contact with my scalp using a back and forth motion both with and against the grain. I also use cream rinse hair conditioner for shaving. It's very slick, stays wet giving the very closest shaves with absolutely no stubble, nicks or cuts. Leaves your scalp very soft and smooth like a babies bottom and very cheap in cost too.

Offline kenny57028

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Re: Your shave routine
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2010, 01:44:31 AM »
I usually just go into the bathroom and take out my razor put some headblade shaving cream on and switch between my headblade and disposable razors and put some shiny stuff on it to top it off... by the way maybe its my lack of skill but has anyone noticed that the headblade isn't as good as a normal razor when your hair is a little bit longer?
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Offline Gambrinus

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Re: Your shave routine
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2010, 07:27:20 AM »
I shave after a hot shower at the sink. I still wrap my head with a hot wash cloth soaked in hot water. I use a Gillette Fusion Razor and rather than lifting the razor from my head after every swipe I mostly keep it in contact with my scalp using a back and forth motion both with and against the grain. I also use cream rinse hair conditioner for shaving. It's very slick, stays wet giving the very closest shaves with absolutely no stubble, nicks or cuts. Leaves your scalp very soft and smooth like a babies bottom and very cheap in cost too.

That my friend is referred to as blade buffing.  I have some trouble spots on my neck that I have to blade buff.  And just on a trivial note, hair conditioner was originally invented as a non-foaming shaving cream for men.  It didn't go over well, so they marketed it as a hair softener for women.  I use conditioner in the shower as a pre-shave to soften my stubble.   :)

Offline Gambrinus

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Re: Your shave routine
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2010, 07:36:12 AM »
I usually just go into the bathroom and take out my razor put some headblade shaving cream on and switch between my headblade and disposable razors and put some shiny stuff on it to top it off... by the way maybe its my lack of skill but has anyone noticed that the headblade isn't as good as a normal razor when your hair is a little bit longer?

I noticed that with the HB brand blade that came with the razor.  I switched to the Personna brand Atra II cartridge and it was a little better, but I hacked my head all the time.  Then I started using the cartridges that I swipe off of a Gillette Custom Plus 3 disposable razor.  They are way more forgiving and at 5 bucks for 4 razors it's a decent deal.  I've also noticed that if I have a longer stubble that it pays to go with the grain on the first pass.  Rinse.  Wash my head with St. Ives Apricot Scrub.  Then re-lather and go against the grain.  You get less drag that way.

Offline BigMike01

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Re: Your shave routine
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2010, 04:34:57 PM »
I start with a hot wet towel followed by a shave using coochy cream and my Fusion. The coochy cream usually leaves my head very well moiturized, top it off with sunblock if I'm heading out. Everyother day I follow the hot towel with a good scrub.