Discussions About Being Bald > 30 Day Rule / Beginners Section

Keep the same routine for 30 or experiment some?

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I have just finished my 30 days and am curious as to what others think about maintaining a strict routine when it comes to prep and shaving for 30 days or trying different things for 30 days.

I tried to do a strict routine for 30 days and it did not work for me. I started getting irritation with shaving and changed razors and shaving cream to try and figure out what was best. I can see the benefit of a strict routine, though, and the less variables changed- the better way to know if your routine works and if it's for you.

So, did the 30 dayers swap it up or stick with the same thing (razors, blades, prep, after shaves, etc.) for the 30 days? Which way do you think is best for a newbie trying this out?

Only the goal, Sly, is important.  But, and I think I can say this for a lot of the guys here, I tried everything, bought a whole lot of stuff, Headblade, Baldguys, everything.  Some worked, some didn't, but I have a drawer full of stuff I don't use anymore to prove it.  My final "routine" took a couple of months to work out.  I would suggest you take the time to glance through the "Routine" Board.  And, I still try new stuff, for example the Neutrogena spf90 sunblock is a new and valuable addition to my "Stuff."  Also, I have my home "stuff" and my travel "stuff" since I fly around the country a lot on business.  TSA limits you to a 1 quart plastic bag, no individual gel or liquid over 3 oz.--so that's a special set up too.  It's kind of fun, but the wife kind of smirks--then I point to her "warpaint" supplies >:D--she could paint a house, but it works, she's always lovely.   :@`

--- Quote from: saintc on April 09, 2010, 12:19:50 PM ---"warpaint" supplies >:D--
--- End quote ---
fF##  That's a good one.

I too have tried to tweak my routine during the first 30 days. Mostly trying different shave gels/creams, post shave moisturizers, and sunscreens. Like Saint said, it about maintaining the sly look.  O:O I try to balance my routine on the ease of doing it and what will relieve any irritation (which I have been fortune enough to have very little) with what won't break the bank and take a ton of time to do.

I'd recommend that it if some product really irritates you on the first use then it probably shouldn't be in your routine. Chances are it won't get better over time.

That being said, the old adage applies here perfectly....if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If something is working for you, it might not be worth the time, money and effort to try something new just on the chance that it may make a difference.

Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

The Noggin:
I think the 30 days rule has nothing to do with a strict routine. It's very unlikely you pick the products that are best for you at the first try. You should experiment if you want to or if you have problems.

I loved the HeadBlade right from the start, but tried different blades until I found the ones I like best, and I'm going to use them as long as they sell them (or come up with new ones). When it comes to cosmetic products like shaving gel or after-shave balm I'm willing to try something new when I see it in a store or someone is recommending it here.

BTW I don't like it when stuff that I don't use anymore piles up in the drawers. Makes me sick  ::).

My rountin hasn't changed for the past 20 or more years.  I have alway had a military style haircut since I was a little boy due to my dad military service.  As a young man, I alway sport a high & tight horseshe flatop.  It was a daily routine for me to shave the side and keep the flatop super short everyday.  When I went completely bald, it was difficult at first because the top was not used to the rigors of pressing firmly to get the tightest, smoothes shave.  The side have tighten up and I have no problem shaving it daily.  It took me a few days to get the top in shape for shavings.  Now, I can shave daily without any irritation.  I purchased the Smooth Citizen products and they have work very well for me.  Unless I skip a day of shaving, I'm ok.  Skip a day and the irritation on the top portion of the head is excruciating.  I have maintain the same routine everyday since going completely bald and enjoying it.


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