Discussions About Being Bald > Advantages and Disadvantages to being Bald

I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.

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    I am able to tolerate shaving my head simply because I have become used to it over time. However, I'd like to have the option that everybody else gets. As people grow older, their hair style changes. A hair style is a clear indicator of the type of person beneath. My shaved head says two things... 1.) I am military personnel. 2.) I am a blank mystery. Surely, I should elaborate.
    I'm tired of people asking if I'm in the military. I'm very intuitive when it comes to reading what people mean out of what they say. What they think is, "Why does he shave his head? I can't just ask him, that's rude. Maybe he's military. I'll ask if he's military, and then I'll have my answer." My answer is "No, haha, I am not." Then they look at me as if I have yet more to say, as if my answer isn't completed to the depth of their satisfaction. Then I walk away or change the subject.
    I am overflowing with multiple personalities, none of which can be expressed outwardly. If I feel like going out with friends or on a date, I can't take the time to make my hair look nice. If I feel ragged, my hair is not bedraggled. If I'm doing something formal, I can't get a handsome looking haircut. I can't play with my hair when I'm bored. I can't color it to match an outfit or how I feel. Hair talks. Mine says nothing except "military". A shaved head is not inviting. It is actually a mysterious intimidator. I have used this to my advantage a handful of times, but I like to get along with people. My shaved head tends to act as a deterrent. It makes others uneasy on an instinctual level. If I had hair, I wouldn't be such a sore thumb. Such an eyeblight.
    Sometimes people do ask me why I shave my head. I prefer honesty at all times, but it gets tiring telling the horrible awkward truth, which is... I shaved my head out of desperation in order to minimize the damage caused by the still quite obvious plague on my scalp called male pattern baldness. A plague, I might add, that I attained at 18. So I just give a sarcastic-flip-jokey response more often than not.
    I digress. I want a different hair cut. Unfortunately, the fuzzy toilet seat is forbidden by my vanity. Also forbidden is the disgusting look of sparseness on the top of the head, which simply looks sickly on anyone who is balding, yet grooms their hair as if they weren't. Does anybody have a creative solution that could possibly appear not only normal, but attractive? In addition to wanting hair, I AM SICK AND TIRED OF SHAVING MY HEAD.

Well even people that have good hair wind up with terrible haircuts all the time..... so that certainly isn't all it's made out to be.You have limited options of course:

1) Grow what you have out (which you already said is no good for you)
2) Go the drugs, plugs or rugs route....... which is digusting
3) Or continue to do the healthy and very en vogue thing and continue to shave

I don't understand what the big deal is about shaving. We all have other personal hygiene habits that we perform everyday..... teeth brushing, showering, etc.. Eventually shaving just becomes part of that routine.

If you're looking for something different to do to your head next time you go out, only shave half of it...... that will open some eyes!  :*))

Maybe you should try some facial hair, a full beard, goatee, something in between.  That could balance out what some guys find to be too much skin.  Just a thought--and you can run your fingers through your beard, spend money on shampoos, and have things to do keeping it trimmed. 

just grow it out and be balding.  You DO have a choice. :D

Maybe you have too much time on our hands.  I'm too busy to give much thought to not having a full head of hair.  It is what it is.  Sure, I would like a choice.  I would like to have a very short buzz to mix it up in the winter, but that isn't in the cards.  Try changing your focus to something more productive.


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