Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Face Shaving
What is the cost of Norelco 1090 Arcitec ?
Hi Guys, Grr8 Franzini recommended me it in the thread below this thread and I loved it but can't buy it through amazon as they don't ship it to India due to non coverage of warranty by Philips of that product (they ship 1050 only), so the only hope is ebay, this seller is selling at $230 though the shipping cost is $50, making me wondering, should I spend $280, not that that I can't, but can I get a better deal somewhere else too ?
Link to Razor on Ebay
Best Regards
If you've done the research and can't find a better deal, I say go for it!
Razor X:
Electric appliances in the USA run on 120 volts of electricity, whereas in India the voltage is 230, like the UK and most European countries. Anything you buy off eBay from an American vendor isn't going to work without an adaptor, and many times appliances don't work properly even if you have an adaptor. Just ask any American who's brought a hair dryer on a vacation to Europe (not likely to apply to anyone in this crowd. ;D ) Be careful about shelling out so much money on something that you might not be able to use.
Thanks for replying guys, yes different AC power supply is an issue, should I just buy the 1050 model then ? I can buy it from Philips India site itself
Sly Red:
If you want to shave your head with an electric you might consider the Panasonic:
Shaving your head with an electric that can be used in the shower is an excellent alternative.
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