This is a nice post but my situation is a bit different. I'm not balding (much). I have a full head of hair except for some minor recessions just above the temples. The remainder of my head has full and reasonably dense hair. Yet I sort of WANT to be bald. I keep getting it cut shorter and shorter but not all the way...I can't get up the nerve for the leap.
i have been here before, trying to find a solution. Still not giving in. Now my hair situation has developed into recess of my hairline as to where an island of hair might form in the middle of my (fornt) head. Also the crown is thinning fast since a couple of months. Question: what treatment can i still try (tried finasteride, and every hair growth shampoo out there). If i don't get something quick, the front and crown might meet. Normally i have very thick and full hair (used to).Need something or am i destined to becoming a genuinely bald guy. Really still not for me imho!
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