Author Topic: Hair Transplants and Hair Pieces (Toupees)  (Read 47786 times)

Offline Sir Harry

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Re: Hair Transplants and Hair Pieces (Toupees)
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2018, 08:41:59 AM »
Hello, all

I've decided to modify the thread title to Hair Transplants and Hair Pieces (Toupees). For the benefit of any members who wish to share their story about toupees. Please continue to share your stories, this is a judgement free zone.
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Offline Ty1963

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Re: Hair Transplants and Hair Pieces (Toupees)
« Reply #31 on: October 30, 2018, 10:37:57 PM »
Gosh I wish I had some words of consolation but unfortunately I don't I can't tell you I ran for my thinning hair for 30 years 30 + years just 11 days ago shave my head put my pictures on my Facebook it's amazing I have gotten so much support from my friends and family never thought it would happen, but now I sit around and stress over why I spent 35 years worrying about something as trivial as hair loss, so I guess the point is we're always going to worry about something we are not perfect, and the way I see it no one can see the front and the back of your head at the same time so smile love yourself and don't waste anymore of the precious time that you have here on this earth with this worry.  I can say that as someone who wasted decades  on something that I now look in the mirror and makes me smile, but it is not my bald head that I love it is myself. I know I do go on but I feel like I'm going to explode sometimes I feel so free never have I had this feeling since I was a child. Best wishes
Hi I'm Ty I'm 55 years old my hair started thinning in my late 20s and really started thinning quickly in my late 40s I've worn a hair system for the last year and I've just decided to shave my head for 30 days and give it a try so far I like it I feel confident with my bald head. Feels great!

Offline Magoo

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Re: Hair Transplants and Hair Pieces (Toupees)
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2018, 01:57:19 PM »
Great to hear your over you hair loss worries. I was lucky and never had hair loss cares . Mainly because mine was gradual over many years.
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Offline Ty1963

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Re: Hair Transplants and Hair Pieces (Toupees)
« Reply #33 on: December 07, 2018, 12:47:01 AM »
I may be replying in the wrong place sorry if I am, but just a few comments about Hair Systems I personally don't use the word toupee, it brings up images of rugs from 30 years ago that look like dead animals on people's head and honestly they have you evolved greatly since then in some of them look fabulous I had some really good pieces and I got nothing but compliments on my hair systems from the people who didn't know me. And the people who doI never made any bones about the fact I was wearing a hair system but they thought they look great honestly. I stopped wearing mine because I felt like such a fraud and I just wasn't comfortable fact is I do like the way I look now and after talking to my psychologist last week he tells me that for me that I can't do fake things I have to be real and this head is me nothing to hide I have no shame or embarrassment yes it's taking some getting used to because I do like change so I'll have to find other ways to change things. But for those guys who just can wear the hairpiece and feel good about it and look good in it you know I think life is about choices and that's their choice and they should be supported in that choice as well I think they should wear them with confidence and they should also wear the same confidence even if they decide not to wear it one day because your confidence shouldn't come from  are outward appearances.  Either way hair system no hair system it is your head your body your choice best of luck
Hi I'm Ty I'm 55 years old my hair started thinning in my late 20s and really started thinning quickly in my late 40s I've worn a hair system for the last year and I've just decided to shave my head for 30 days and give it a try so far I like it I feel confident with my bald head. Feels great!

Offline DoberDaddy

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Re: Hair Transplants and Hair Pieces (Toupees)
« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2019, 07:12:46 AM »
As I mentioned in another series of posts, I decided, after shaving my head for over 24 years, to go with a hair system. At first, it was just for a laugh, then, as I got used to it, and switched to a less "out there" style, I have really come to like it.

It feels like I have hair on my head, I look, like it's my own, naturally growing hair. The maintenance is pretty easy, and just part of a weekly grooming routine.

The cost, in the beginning, were high, since I had long hair, now with the short hair, pretty reasonable. I don't smoke, drink or have any expensive hobbies, so it's not a financial burden. I am guessing, maybe, with hair, supplies, and haircuts (just when I get a new system), maybe... $150-$200 a month. I know some guys who drink that amount in a weekend.

I would never in a million years even consider a HT, the results are usually terrible.

If I want to... I can always just take it off, and that's it. For now, I am really really enjoying it.

Offline Barbero Pelón

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Re: Hair Transplants and Hair Pieces (Toupees)
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2019, 05:48:17 PM »
I have a power (not sure if is super) but I can detect hair systems 👀

Offline DoberDaddy

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Re: Hair Transplants and Hair Pieces (Toupees)
« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2019, 11:54:19 PM »
I have a power (not sure if is super) but I can detect hair systems 👀

Only the detectable ones!

Offline Barbero Pelón

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Re: Hair Transplants and Hair Pieces (Toupees)
« Reply #37 on: February 12, 2019, 03:24:43 AM »
Which is the big majority . A lace front wig is very easy to detect.

Offline DoberDaddy

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Re: Hair Transplants and Hair Pieces (Toupees)
« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2019, 05:56:32 AM »
Which is the big majority . A lace front wig is very easy to detect.

A big difference between a "wig" and a modern "hair system". Mine is French lace, and no one can tell it's not my naturally growing hair.