Author Topic: Okay, I've pretty much decided...  (Read 9239 times)

Offline spiralout1123211

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Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« on: January 07, 2010, 10:09:46 PM »
I'm shaving my head.  A friend showed me this site, and after reading a bunch of guys that have gone through the same thing and reading Tyler's stickied article, I'm ready to get rid of my hair for good.

The BEST my hair ever looks

I'm 25, and I've been dealing with balding for probably over 4 years.  I used to be fine with thickening shampoos, etc., but it got to the point to where I was wearing a hat any time I was out in public.  I knew it was probably obvious to anyone that I saw on a regular basis that I was hiding my balding head.  :(  It was devastating to my confidence, and it's been a big reason that I haven't left a job I hate (I'm scared to work somewhere I CAN'T wear a hat).  I never go swimming any more, and I absolutely hate it when I can't wear a hat and it's windy (self-consciousness goes up tenfold).

I've always been the type to ignore a problem and hope it goes away, letting it get bigger and bigger.  Well **** it, my hair is always going to look awful, barring a ridiculously expensive operation that isn't even a permanent fix, or a hairpiece, which I just don't feel right about, so I'm just gonna shave it and put this all behind me forever.  I've been toying around with the idea of shaving my head for at least a couple years, but I've always worried about what I'd look like bald (weird head shape, too pale, blah blah blah, you know the deal), but after reading Tyler's article, I'm pretty much convinced that sly is the way to go.  :)  Besides, how much worse could it look than it does right now?  :P

Anyways, how do I get started?  Basically, what am I going to need for daily grooming and how do I do that first shave with long hair?  Thanks a lot, guys.  :)

Offline geoguy

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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2010, 12:00:04 AM »

Welcome to the forum.

As I read your story, it felt a little like "de cha vu” (spelling?).  I'm also 25 now and have also dealt with balding since about 20 or so.  Also wore caps and hats allot ect ect Everything you said in your post, is how I also felt.  So, about 6months ago, I also shaved it.  And yes, your head may be pale in the beginning, but a little sun goes a long way.  But for me it was the best decision ever to shave it all.

But your question is about your proposed shaving routine...  So, I’ll pretty much share what works for me, and I'm sure allot of other guys will add on to this...  Before you shave the first time, I would probably recommend buzzing your hair short before you start. 

Firstly, doing your shaving routine in the shower is quicker for me, and it is less messy.  I start of with washing my head (and face, then its done) with a good facial soap.  I use warm as possible water, as this softens the hair.  I apply Gillette shaving gel.  And use a Fusion razor.  Many guys on the forum will confirm that the fusion is #1!! 

My first shave, I shaved with the grain, because I was nervous.  But also shaved it a second time against the grain.  As from the second time, I always shave against the grain.  After you shaved it all, use your hand to feel over your head where you may have missed a spot.  Re-apply shaving gel and shave it off.  I then continue with my usual shower routine.  Then just as I get out,  I again rinse my head for a while under cold water. 

Afterwards I apply an aloe get.  This helps me with red spots or in grown hair. However, I am presently looking for something else to apply post-shave.  And I have to admit, I am still kinda new at this compared to most of the others, so listen also to what they have to say, and decide what will work best for you.

Good luck & Post a pic after you shaved.  Also, do a search on the forum about the 30 day rule!! It’s really true!!

If I should wake up tomorrow morning, and all my hair grew back; I'd still shave it all off!!  Thank God I'm Bald!!

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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2010, 12:28:58 AM »
hey spiral:  welcome 2 the sly fraternity.  glad that ya joined us.  congrats on deciding 2 "do the deed",  "take the plunge", or in simpler terms... "shave the dome". 

2 help u out... research the HEAD SHAVING SECTION of the forum titled:  "your shave routine",  "what razor you use?", and "shaving cream or gel".  this section has priceless information on head shaving.  u might want 2 go 2 a professional barber & let him/her  "buzz" it down to a #1 & "do the deed" when u get home.  remember... always use a quality razor (fusion, m5, mach3, headblade) when "doing the deed".

again... welcome 2 the best forum on the internet.  keep us posted 2 your road 2 slyness.

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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2010, 04:21:19 AM »
Welcome spiral.   The others have already given some great advice.  Check out the HeadShaving section and see what will work best into your personal needs and routine.  Most important is a good razor and cream, I use Headblade or Mach 3 and Headslick.   A good cold water rinse to close up the pores and some sort of after shave application to deal with razor burn, ingrown hairs, or whatever.  If after reading up on others routines and you have questions, just ask away.  Everyone here is ready and willing to be of assistance.
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Offline Mikekoz13

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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2010, 04:49:00 AM »
Welcome to the Forum spiral!

If your balding has affected your life the way you have stated, then you are making a great choice by shaving. Your confidence is about to take a huge leap up my friend.

As for shaving products...... I'm also a HeadBlade used but for your initial shaves you may want to use a more traditional razor. I use the new, which can be purchased at WalMart , for my face and love it. It's a Fusion clone that costa a fraction of the origiinal.

A good gel or cream will go a long way toward a good comfortable shave. Many of us use HeadSlick.

Good luck, keep us posted, and please post up a photo of the new you.
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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2010, 07:08:55 AM »
Well, the brothers have told you what to do, where to find information on this site and equipment.  
It only remains to be said what has been said in many different ways to the literal thousands who have visited and take part in this site--you're really going to like it.  Don't forget, shave it for 30 days--two reasons, 1) it will help you develop your technique for your unique scalp and find what equipment and stuff work best for you, and 2) to get used to "That new dude in the mirror!"  You will be able to do anything now w/o worry about hair.  And to your credit, you've not done plugs, rugs or drugs.  They don't work.  The blade is the answer, and your only "regret" will be that you didn't do it sooner, we promise that.  \
See you soon on the Sly side, and do post a picture of the Sly Spiral.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 03:56:24 PM by saintc »

Offline Mikekoz13

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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2010, 09:03:05 AM »
Spiral.... I would also add that you should read the post from early today by PDXTODD that talks about the sales experiences that he has had since he ditched his longtime rug.

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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2010, 10:23:27 AM »
Welcome spiralout, good to have you with us, you've come to the right place.
I echo what all the other bro's have said, and will only add that if you feel the need to always wear a ballcap when you go out of your house, and it is affecting your abilty to go to work, then it's definitely time to shave it down. Set yourself free and ditch the caps, get on with life!

Keep us posted on how it goes.    O0

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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2010, 10:42:07 AM »
Welcome Spiral.  From your original post, I agree that it is time for the next step-Shave it!  The others have given you good advise. The only thing I can add is that you take your time.  Hast only result in nicks and bumps.  Good Luck!
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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2010, 12:14:57 PM »
Welcome to the forum, spiralout. As warhawk pointed out, there's a ton of info on the site to answer all your questions. Just take your time and read through the relevant threads. Then just do it!

Good luck!  O0
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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2010, 01:12:57 PM »
Go for wont regret it..having a shaved head for 15 years was an awesome experience for me..and one I'm sure I will return to one day..

A slick bald head look great and gives you great confidence too!

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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2010, 01:14:22 PM »
They have said it all  - -now go do it and enjoy your new look  - - -Bald is Beautiful - - -let's get a picture when you are done - - - -

Offline PowerOfCheese

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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2010, 03:30:15 PM »
You must shave it. You will feel like a new man. Take a look around, a lot of domes out there these days. You will wish you did it sooner. I promise.
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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2010, 03:54:37 PM »
Off with your head!  That is, the hair on it.

There's a phrase, "Neither fish nor fowl," and that applies to hair.  If you gotta lot, let it alone (unless you wanna be BBC); if it's decided that it's time to take off for other places, just sweep out the room, polish the floor, and let the sunshine in!

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Re: Okay, I've pretty much decided...
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2010, 04:00:25 PM »
Welcome aboard!  Being sly is something you'll never understand until you try it!  Then, you'll wonder why you waited so long!  :*))

Then, it's Headblade and Headblade products all the way!  O0
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 04:03:17 PM by Sgt. Pate »

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