Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Miscellaneous

Fusion Blades on eBay

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Guys ... any difference between the Fusion & Fusion Power blades?  There doesn't appear to be to me so I was just wondering.


--- Quote from: Blagadán on May 09, 2007, 04:09:27 PM ---Guys ... any difference between the Fusion & Fusion Power blades?  There doesn't appear to be to me so I was just wondering.

--- End quote ---

I'm curious also.  I understand that they can be used with the same handle if you don't want the power aspect.

Medic aka Rocko:
They are interchangeable.  I've used both, and while I can't really say why, I prefer the standard fusion blade.  It just seems to be more comfortable to me, I guess.  The power blade costs more (if you buy them at the store). 

That's what got me really curious ... why a price difference if they are basically the same blade ...  D#tG3t

Have you got a good deal on eBay?  If so, what's the best deal you've gotten?

I recently got 32 Fusion blades for $49 + shipping = $57.  $1.78 per cartridge.


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