Author Topic: Freak's quest  (Read 12266 times)


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Freak's quest
« on: December 02, 2009, 11:40:48 AM »
I've mentioned it before. I'm trying to go up not down. I would like to get to 185. I'm stuck at 162. Some people say "quit smoking" or "eat more fast food". I lost weight with both. Fast food just makes me crap twice as much. I eat a small breakfast, regular lunch, and pig out at dinner. Plus 1 to 3 protien sups a day. And I work out like a monster. I pust as much weight as I can with my small frame. only 5 min cardio to get warmed up.
Any other bald ectomorphs on here? (Scrawny arses or hard gainers) I had a trainer/nutritionist tell me a few years back that it's much harder for a skinny person to gain than it is for a large person to lose. It's easier to rev up your metabolism than it is to sedate it.

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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2009, 11:52:05 AM »
I look at food, I gain weight :-\ :-\ :-\
But, maybe you're pushing the weights too hard, try fewer and slower reps, heavier weights.  Break up your workouts so you only work a body part 2 times a week, that will give your body a break to rebuild after "tearing down." 

It goes w/o saying if you smoke, stop--not for weight gain but for your kids.  Lung and other related cancers--not worth it.  And, it can be a slow agonizing death--we lost our first friend to lung cancer when she was just 41, smoked.  Never saw her 3 boys grow to be men and fathers, and we, her friends, all still miss her.  This time of year makes us think of her--she died Christmas Eve. 

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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2009, 12:03:37 PM »
You have described me to a "t", Freak. I weigh 160-163 and have tried on several occasions to pack on some weight. Most success I had was last year. I worked out with a personal trainer/nutritionist for six months with the specific goal of packing on 10 lbs. It was a constant effort that, in the end was simply not worth it to me. I was eating 6 meals totaling 2500 calories a day. The minute I stopped the program, the weight just fell off.

From my experience, if you want to bulk up, you'll need to change that breakfast routine of yours from a light one to a HUGE meal for a start, then eat every 3 hours, without fail.

From one ecto to another though .... Best wishes on your quest!  Keep us posted. O0

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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2009, 04:15:37 PM »
Saint, I know I need to quit. easier said than done. I do follow the rest of what you said.
and OZZ man, I eat a big breakfast on my off days. I can't on working out days cause I'll ralph at the gym....I learned a hard lesson in my early 20's skinny don't = healthy. alot of people assume that it does. The cigs are my only unhealthy habit...well an occasional doobie at a concert. At twenty two I had severe chronic back pain and the cholestrol of a 45 year old. I usually eat healthy, take an active men's multi-V, drink alot of water, work out. Only drink a few every so often. Also I'm an insomniac which sucks cus you need the sleep to repair muscle. Now at least my vitals and blood work are good.

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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2009, 05:10:50 PM »
Saint, I know I need to quit. easier said than done.  The cigs are my only unhealthy habit...well an occasional doobie at a concert. At twenty two I had severe chronic back pain and the cholestrol of a 45 year old.

Cigs & hi cholesterol--deadly mix--high blood pressure could follow, yielding strokes, kidney disease.  I know you don't want to hear this, but you don't have an "unhealthy habit" you've got a deadly one--no way to make that sound nice--its a fact.  Get help, but get off the smokes, and have the cholesterol and bp tested--you're not getting any younger!
« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 06:26:02 PM by saintc »

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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2009, 05:35:46 PM »
From what I understand, if you are trying to bulk up, and you work out first thing, it's pretty much essential that you eat a full-size nutritional meal within the first hour after your workout. From my experience, that also makes it easier to eat bigger meals later in the day as well. Don't ask me why that is so.

As hard-gainers, if we really want to add poundage, we have to eat WAY more than I initially thought was even physically possible. But it can be done. Whether or not it's a healthy decision in your case, only you can decide.

To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom – Bertrand Russell

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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2009, 05:31:35 AM »
I'm not arguing with u saintc. I'm in alot better shape now than then. I'm gonna try to quit again after the holiday stress is over. this year I made it a month and a half. before that the longest was 3 days.

I just ready an article that goes against the grain a few months back. but it made sense. the link u sent me shadowside follows the standard hardgainer methods.
He says to eat every 2-3 hours. but think about it. Our problem is we have a sky high natural metabolism. When ever u eat your metabolism goes up to digest the food. So, this article recommend 3 huge(but healthy meals) + extra protien supps. and what was mentioned above. less reps longer resting periods, heavier weight.

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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2009, 07:14:16 AM »
I'm not arguing with u saintc. I'm in alot better shape now than then. I'm gonna try to quit again after the holiday stress is over. this year I made it a month and a half. before that the longest was 3 days.

I wasn't trying to either.  I know it's an addiction, and it has so many roots, physical addiction to nicotine, mental addiction as a learned behavior in response to stress.  I remember a professor I had in college who mused on his addiction once, describing the pleasure of feeling the round cylinder, the puff being equivalent to sucking--a behavior from birth, the visuals of smoke curling upward, etc.  It's huge.  The nicotine patches, gum, etc. take care of only one aspect.  The other behavior issues are many times as hard to defeat.  Often people eat to take care of them, junk food, hence the weight gain associated w/ stopping.  Stress, that's really tough--maybe borrow the worry beads from the Greeks and Arabs ;D ;D--but it would satisfy the touch issue.  But, the main goal is to free yourself, that's really important--actually more important than freeing yourself from hair.  Good luck, stay strong.  You can do this.  
« Last Edit: December 03, 2009, 10:01:23 AM by saintc »


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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2009, 02:48:45 PM »
a friend told me once to replace smoking with sex, but she wasn't willing to contribute to the cause  :-\

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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2009, 02:58:56 PM »
Now that's just wrong for someone to make that suggestion then not help the cause.   >:(

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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2009, 03:41:14 PM »
a friend told me once to replace smoking with sex, but she wasn't willing to contribute to the cause  :-\

That is a new one--how much in a pack :/O :/O :/O ;D ;D


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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2009, 07:32:38 PM »
I weigh 160, and this is the most I have ever weighed in my life.
I eat everything I can get my hands on.  It would be easy for me to bulk up, but quite honestly I'm just not that disciplined.

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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2009, 04:16:40 AM »
For you guys looking to pick up muscle weight thru your workouts...... I just read an article in this month's Men's Health magazine about this exact topic.

Seems the young guy that is in the new "Moonlight" movie had the same issue as you guys and had a program designed for him to add muscle weight.

Pick up a cop and check it out.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?" W.C. Fields


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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2009, 06:19:32 AM »
cool mike, I will.   

yeah, that chick was a looker, but nuttier than squirrel turds...It prolly woulda been fun, but woulda also prolly left some form of physical, emotional, or psychological permanant scarring.