Author Topic: Freak's quest  (Read 12258 times)


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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2009, 07:23:58 AM »
Wieghed in yesterday gained 2 1/2 pounds!!! outta my rut finally. if I can add 6 more I'll be happy for a lil while. I'd like to eventually hit and maintain 185, which is 5 more than my personal highest. But I'd be happy with 170.  8) I increased my dumbell press to 110 lbs. and my dumbell skull crusher to 55.

I personally like Men's Fitness Mag the most. They seem to be the most down to earth and practical. Every couple of issues they have a fitness challenge based on either time or body weight %, I use those to gauge my progress. example: one armed dumbell snatch. thier rating goes as follows: 25% of your body weight your a puss, 35% average, 45% your pretty damn strong, 55% your a friggin monster!!! so for me that would be 90 lbs. and I'm at 65lbs. or 39%.

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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2009, 06:07:03 PM »
cool mike, I will.   

yeah, that chick was a looker, but nuttier than squirrel turds...It prolly woulda been fun, but woulda also prolly left some form of physical, emotional, or psychological permanant scarring.   

 :*)) :*)) :*))
I just about about spit my Schrotini all over my PC. Thanks for the chuckle.
I don't have the low weight issues you have Freak, quite the contrary. I'm more like Saint. But at 6', 210, 43 y.o., I can't complain, still I'm working on it.

Wish I could offer you some advice. Just stay healthy, bro and be the best Dad you can be.  O0

Agonizing over what cannot be is an insult to what is.


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Re: Freak's quest
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2009, 06:26:25 AM »
 Just stay healthy, bro and be the best Dad you can be.

it's a work in progress, but that's the plan.


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