Author Topic: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.  (Read 12333 times)


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Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« on: March 12, 2007, 10:38:15 AM »
What's up my Sly Bros.?  I'm going through the process right now of trying to get into 2 of the local fire departments in my area.  It's sort of a long process.  It can take as long as 6 months and even then you're not guaranteed a slot.  It's something I've wanted to give a shot ever since I was a teenager but I just never found the time or gave myself enough credit.  But my first child, a son, was born last March in 2006.  He had some breathing complications and I quit my job to stay at home to care for him.  I had worked at a steel warehouse for 8 years and for whatever reason they did not want to work with me to give me enough time off to help my wife care for my son.  I couldn't afford for my wife to quit her job because she is a teacher and brings in the majority of the pay. I aplologize for this being so long and I know it seems like I'm way off the subject but I promise this is going somewhere. Ha!!! Anyway, I was taking such good care of my son and my wife liked the idea of me continuing to do it so I never went back to work.  But since I had the extra time on my hands I started applying to fire departments around here so that I could try to accomplish my dream I've had for so long and been putting off. I've passed the first few parts of the process but I still have a long way to go.  I'm not in too bad of shape but I could lose some weight and strengthen my upper body a little.  Or if I don't actually drop the weight it would be nice to turn it into muscle.  So finally to get to the point...I want to lose a few pounds and strengthen my upper body so I can do a decent job throught the rest of this process and be in decent physical condition if I make it to the training academy.  I'm heading out this week sometime to find a good weight bench.  I've cut sodas out of my diet.  Does anyone have any other good suggestions?  The biggest problem with me is I love to eat, and I mean anything. So trying to cut certain foods out of my diet is a struggle for me.  I've tried to cut most of the sugar out but I still have to have it sometimes, like in coffee.  

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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2007, 02:46:23 PM »
my cousin just finished rookie school a couple weeks ago. he is now working for a dept in the baton rouge area. i say go for it if that is what you want bro.

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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2007, 03:04:48 PM »
Bottom line, enjoy your work (whatever career path you choose) and you'll be successful.

I know that when I have had to lose a significant amount of weight, one thing I have always tried avoid is eating late. Granted, some people's work schedules make it difficult to make such an adjustment. But if you can avoid eating large meals after 6pm, you'll be amazed at the results. The other thing about eating that was recommended by the creator of the Abs Diet is eating several smaller meals during the day. Your body gets use to being somewhat full, and is less likely to gorge at any one sitting. Other basics include increasing your water intake, reducing alcoholic intake  :'(, and making sure you get an ample supply of sleep.

As far as muscle development goes, I really can't help you there. I'm more of a runner than a weight lifter. But, if you were to lose the weight/fat, developing muscular definition would be infinitely easier.

Hope that helps,

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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2007, 03:45:16 PM »
First of all, congrats on pursuing your dream!

I recommend reading the Abs Diet.  Even if you don't want to follow it completely, it will offer some great tips on what to eat if you like eating often and some good exercises with a weight bench. 
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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2007, 04:10:57 PM »
 O0 Good luck on your aspiration. The killer combination is sugar/carbs/oil. If you can reduce or eliminate all three, you'll make weight. It pains me to add, giving up beer will also speed your diet. Ask the guys at the local firehouse how they prepared for the exam. Goodspeed, Professor Melon
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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2007, 04:46:35 PM »
Being from a firefighting family, I am biased, but definitely go for it if that is your dream.  You'll only do really well in a career that you love.  Prof Melon gave some great advice about the carbs/oil bit.  It seems that guys need to stay away that as much as possible.  I personally have my best success with lean broiled protein, fish, chicken, even beef and pork if you watch the fat content of the meat.  Best of luck Lance. 
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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2007, 04:55:39 PM »
go for it man, firefighting is a honorable job.......when i want to drop weight fast..i eat  steamed veggies and chicken breast or salad, or any high fiber foods.....i'd stay away from weight lifting and do pushups,situps, pullups, running or swimming....i think its better to be lean and cut than bulked up cuz once you stop it turns to fat easy....stay away from the fad diets if ya can......i'll be starting my wieght loss program within the week or so.....trying to ween myself off beer now lol...


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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2007, 05:42:44 PM »
I knew I was good company.  Thanks for all the feedback my sly bros and for the motivation.  Everybody has given a lot of good advice.  Believe it or not cutting down on beer isn't too hard for me. I've cut way back since the birth of my son. I am very happy and proud to say that I quit smoking also the day he was born. It will be a year come March 19th.  I've always loved to smoke but to be honest after all this time not smoking I don't know what I ever seen in it.  The late night eating is one of my biggest problems. I'll do my best to cut back on that. I'll definitely check the abs diet out and see what it has to offer.  Thanks again for the feedback.

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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2007, 10:23:38 AM »
Bro, being that we are both pursueing a dream of work in Noble Professions, I have to say that you and I are kind of working with the same Motive in mind.  Big ups to you Bro, for me, Cutting down on Beer was (and still is) Hell.  I am a self Professed Beer Snob, so me without a good beer every weekend is like the Cookie Monster giving up Sweets.
As far as Smoking, Big Ups man.  But the Late Night eating, Dude!  That kills me every time.  Nine O'Clock cravings for either Cheese Nips, or a sandwich, or any number of Salty Meaty Tasty Items.  I have raised my tea drinking habit from about a cup every once and a while to a few cups a night to help combat this.  If I'm drinking tea, I try to focus on that and that helps me stay out of the fridge.  I'm with ya here bro, Keep up the solid work.  Keep the updates coming on your progress.  l8r

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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2007, 11:21:41 AM »
Lance.  Thanks for your positive comments to me and all others.  Here are a couple of things that worked for me.  I cut out soft drinks, period.  Don't like diet, so I went cold turkey.  I replaced sugar with Splenda for my coffee.  I started jumping on my son's trampline.  Great, low impact exercise.  Now I can feel my abs!!!  I lost 25 pouds and have kept it off for 2 years.  I eat what I want, but never after 8:30 PM.

Good luck on your goals.  The little guy is really growing up.

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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2007, 03:11:49 PM »
Lance.  Thanks for your positive comments to me and all others.  Here are a couple of things that worked for me.  I cut out soft drinks, period.  Don't like diet, so I went cold turkey.  I replaced sugar with Splenda for my coffee.  I started jumping on my son's trampline.  Great, low impact exercise.  Now I can feel my abs!!!  I lost 25 pouds and have kept it off for 2 years.  I eat what I want, but never after 8:30 PM.

Good luck on your goals.  The little guy is really growing up.

Brother, I hear you.  I hate Diet ANYTHING!  It never tastes like anything good.  Went on a more organic diet than I had before. No artificial sweeteners, no overly processed corner store Crap that is so popular here on our campus.  Unless I can pronounce (a majority) of the ingredients, I don't put it in my body [sept for sports drinks & the occasional Energy Drink... What can I say except "PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR"  ;D]
add that to my workout routine, and I am MONEY man!


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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2007, 06:19:58 PM »
Lance.  Thanks for your positive comments to me and all others.  Here are a couple of things that worked for me.  I cut out soft drinks, period.  Don't like diet, so I went cold turkey.  I replaced sugar with Splenda for my coffee.  I started jumping on my son's trampline.  Great, low impact exercise.  Now I can feel my abs!!!  I lost 25 pouds and have kept it off for 2 years.  I eat what I want, but never after 8:30 PM.

Good luck on your goals.  The little guy is really growing up.


Thanks for the great tips Max.  I really appreciate it.  O0  The Splenda idea for my coffee sounds good because I am a coffee freak.  I love the stuff but I'm a "I like a little coffee with my sugar and cream" kind of guy.  So that Splenda idea sounds really good, and I have tried it before.  It's not really bad.  I definitely hear you on the sodas.  I stopped drinking them about 2 months ago.  There is nothing nutritional about them.  The trampoline exercising sounds good too.  I was actually just checking out some of the smaller ones made just for exercising the other day at my local sports store.  I'm not really into running.  Plus if the weathers bad you can't really go out anyway.  I was thinking I could get one of those trampolines, which is only about $35 for the one I saw, and I could even watch a little TV while jumping.  Someone else told me jumping jacks is another good aerobic exercise.  Thanks again for the tips and encouragement.  Peace bro.

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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2007, 06:54:14 PM »
Good Luck on becoming a firefighter man. As for the diet what I have discovered about myself is that if I want to lose weight change the diet. For me it's turkey sandwiches and not the crappy oscer meyer stuff get the real roasted turky from teh deli. I know it costs more , but it makes it so much easier to stick with it. no mayo I just use mustard spicy brown and regular. use the salad in a bag as filler for your sandwiches also I put sheese on them cause I realy like cheese once again stay away from teh velvita processed stuff only buy the real cheese. I bounce between the deli and the regular stuff that you can buy in any grocery store. Also reward yourself on the weekends you can have literaly whatever you want on the weekends but stick out the lean diet during the week. Also try and eat at least 3 times a day not a whole lot of food just enough to keep you from being hungery. I try and eat around 4 times a day.

I hope this helps you out man I know this is what works for me when I am trying to drop a few pounds.

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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2007, 07:50:57 PM »
Good Luck on becoming a firefighter man. As for the diet what I have discovered about myself is that if I want to lose weight change the diet. For me it's turkey sandwiches and not the crappy oscer meyer stuff get the real roasted turky from teh deli. I know it costs more , but it makes it so much easier to stick with it. no mayo I just use mustard spicy brown and regular. use the salad in a bag as filler for your sandwiches also I put sheese on them cause I realy like cheese once again stay away from teh velvita processed stuff only buy the real cheese. I bounce between the deli and the regular stuff that you can buy in any grocery store. Also reward yourself on the weekends you can have literaly whatever you want on the weekends but stick out the lean diet during the week. Also try and eat at least 3 times a day not a whole lot of food just enough to keep you from being hungery. I try and eat around 4 times a day.

I hope this helps you out man I know this is what works for me when I am trying to drop a few pounds.
Dude, that sounds like my diet plan to a T... have you been spying on my Fridge? :o


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Re: Lance- Trying to become a firefighter.
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2007, 01:42:20 AM »
Good Luck on becoming a firefighter man. As for the diet what I have discovered about myself is that if I want to lose weight change the diet. For me it's turkey sandwiches and not the crappy oscer meyer stuff get the real roasted turky from teh deli. I know it costs more , but it makes it so much easier to stick with it. no mayo I just use mustard spicy brown and regular. use the salad in a bag as filler for your sandwiches also I put sheese on them cause I realy like cheese once again stay away from teh velvita processed stuff only buy the real cheese. I bounce between the deli and the regular stuff that you can buy in any grocery store. Also reward yourself on the weekends you can have literaly whatever you want on the weekends but stick out the lean diet during the week. Also try and eat at least 3 times a day not a whole lot of food just enough to keep you from being hungery. I try and eat around 4 times a day.

I hope this helps you out man I know this is what works for me when I am trying to drop a few pounds.

Thanks for the great tips bro.  I appreciate any help I can get.   O0


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