Author Topic: 23 year old receder, considering shaving it all at some point....  (Read 14516 times)

Offline Itsonlyinmyhead

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Re: 23 year old receder, considering shaving it all at some point....
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2009, 04:08:17 PM »
Dude I have to say that it doesnt look too bad in the photos but if your hairloss is getting to you then I recommend you buzz it to a 2 or 3.
I was in a very similar position to you about 3 years ago and after about a weeks deliberation I got my mates to shave my head down to a 3, then I let it grow back for about a month but I liked the look and not being self consious so I bought my own clippers and clipped it down to a 4 for about 3 months then to a 2 (about a month into my new job) and then about 2 months later I put it down to a 1 and have been there ever since and I love it....

Do yourself a favour and knock the drugs. Minoxidil only works while you take it and can stop working at any time and Propecia gives  you man boobs and lots of other problems - there are forums about the problems! Not  good - I tooks propecia for about 2 months before I thought about what I could be doing to my body in the long term