Author Topic: just joined sly and just moved... thinking of shaving head and starting fresh??  (Read 7554 times)

Offline bundy76

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Ok heres the story i just moved to another state. i am 21 years old and have a pretty bad hairline. in my old town i was always the good athlete and never had problems with girls at all. but in the last 2 years id say ive started going bald and i dont leave my house without a hat and if i cant where a hat i go from being the confident guy i was to the most shy and self-consciousness guy. i decided to just buzz my head to a 1 and i think it looks better but i still get comments from friends and from my sisters about my hairline. without a hat i try to be confident but all i think about is that theres no way i have a chance with the girls that i used to get.... and only way i would be able to is while wearing a hat. but now at 21 it inevitable you are going to have to not wear a hat at times and i mean if your dressed up you look stupid wearing a cap. but i guess my question is how did you guys deal with it? should i shave it totally bald? and i just moved out of state a month ago so ive actually been trying to not wear a the all the time which has helped my confidence but i visited home and i was right back to not being seen without a hat. i need help! any stories or advice on how to accept it or any help whatsoever....and dont mean to sound like a cocky bastard by saying i could get the girls but its just how it was and now im afraid i wont be able too.. and i mean im only 21

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I see a couple of things here. First there is the question how people see you, and the how you let their perception of you affect yourself. Some people see in you a man who's losing hair, some will see you as a nice looking guy. In theory one could, and should, try to live in his own reality, cliche as this may sound. How do you see yourself at the moment. I'm not sure if losing hair really is that much of a big deal. But of course if somebody is not happy with himself it will show.

My advice is try not to wear hats so often. When I had longer hair than today I became more self-conscious whenever I had to wear a hat. I hated it when I had to take off my hat.  But if I went out without hat I felt a lot better. Wearing hat makes you feel that you are hiding. It takes time to get used to a new look. Since you've already taken the bold step to buzzcut, trying the bald look is not going to be difficult for you.

Look around and see that there are cool looking bald guys even your age and younger. Check out the bald celebs section on this forum for inspiration.

Offline Papa Don

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Bundy, not to sound harsh, but we are who we are!  Be yourself.  IMO, what I'm seeing is a person that is not happy with himself. So you're going bald, in some degree most of the men are in the same boat.  Your new in town and probably not that many people know you yet.  So why not be the new bald guy?  You will find that most people will accept you as you are.  Be friendly, keep smiling and the world will be yours again. Just think about people who have a physical defect, a lot of us running around.  they don't dig a hole and crawl in, no, they face the wonderful World with open arms with a big smile.  Hang in there, we are all behind you.
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Papa's right on the mark.  It's all about self-confidence and for most of us who had issues with balding, becoming sly was a boost in our self-confidence because it says to the world that we are who we are and embrace it fully.  Unfortunately family members can be the worst critics because for some reason they think they can say whatever they want without regard to our feelings....and they probably still think of you as a little kid and have trouble accepting that you're an adult.

Offline D.A.L.U.I.

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Without a picture it's hard to judge.  But mpb hits some guys really early, I had to classmates in law school who were absolutely, profoundly bald when we started, that's about 21.  It's the luck of the draw. 
If you've buzzed it and YOU are okay with it, try that for a while.  If it's really going fast, and it can, you may quickly just have a fringe anyway.  From what you've described, at some point near or far out, you're going to be bald.  It's how you're bald that will affect your confidence, embrace it, get ahead of it, and put the worry behind you.  By shaving you effectively hide mpb in plain sight.  We think you'll like it--it may take an adjustment period to the "new dude in the mirror" but that will pass.  Just be thankful you live at a time that it's not only acceptable to be shaved bald, it's also cool, popular and widely accepted.  But remember what we all say, this is about you, and no one else, just you. 

Offline bundy76

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ya you guys are right. my friends and family will joke about it because they know it bugs me but when im like okay that enough their like dude its not even bad but in reality i feel if you dont know me and you see me without a hat there is no way you would not recognize that im going bald. i moved from chicago with a ton of friends and people going out to these big places where everyone trys to out do the other.. too this small a** town in
TN where i know no one basically besides a few cclassmates so i guess your right F it mys well shave it off if ive already buzzed it.. and your right besides the hair everything else is healthy so im doing alright. so who knows by the end of the day i might be sly with you guys. ill talk to you guys later. matt

Offline Sean25

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You sound exactly like me my man and to get straight to the point you just need to shave it off.  It will restore your confidence I can guarantee you that.  You will probably be nervous the first couple of times you go out but it will wear off.  The ladies are still flowing.  To be honest I'm getting a lot more attention from women of every ethnicity.  So if you don't mind that then your golden; I know I love it.  I walk into a bar being a preppy bald white kid and black, hispanic, white women all approach me.  You should see the looks on my friends faces(I say it's jealousy).  If I suddenly had a full head of hair I would keep it as short as possible if not completely shaved for a long long time.   So pick a day and try it out and add to the list of successful stories.

Offline bundy76

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shaved the head today... mom and grandma were pissed my dad helped me shave it. oh well i like it so far and have vowed not to wear a hat for a month unless im out where ill get sunburned. we'll see how that goes!

Offline aarrggh

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        Excellent !
    Post a before and after picture if you can........... O0

Offline D.A.L.U.I.

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Congrats--and your Dad helped.  Just keep it for 30 days, you'll never regret taking charge, getting out in front of it.  It's for you, no one else. 
Let's have that picture, ok?

Offline bundy76

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ill get a pic up soon its funny i have over 800 on facebook but i cant find one without a hat on! thats telling you something

Offline warhawk

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hey bundy:  1st of all welcome 2 the sly fraternity.  like i always say... if u one has thoughts of shaving their dome; one will never B satisfied unless one "does the deed",  "takes the plunge", or in layman's terms shaves their dome.
so... with that said... satisfy your thoughts and "take the plunge". O0

i promise that u won't regret it.  matter of fact, u will b thanking us.  just embrace baldness & the world will embrace u.  keep us posted 2 your road 2 slyness. O0

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