Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Safety Razor Head Shaving

Straight Razor Shavers

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"Cutthroats" make me very nervous.

LoL, I can't even be trusted with safety scissors  :o


I have to say it took me about 2 months to get the fear of the razor out of me but once you get that straight razor effect on your beard, you can never go back to disposables; i have not used it on my head however

As much as I'd wanna try a safety razor and the whole associated works, I can't bring myself to drop 200 bucks on it(as most of the good quality kits cost).

I want to try a safety razor on my face, but not my head.  I'm going to a flea market tomorrow and hoping to be able to pick up an antique DE razor for cheap.  I've checked a few of the face shaving forums Then I'll start off with a cheap brush.  But as Jews32 said, you can spend upward of $200 pretty easily on the entire kit.


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