Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Safety Razor Head Shaving
Straight Razor Shavers
Well what I use is not technically a straight razor.
I use a 1958 Eversharp Hydramatic Injector razor that the blades is like a small one in a somewhat modern looking razor
Does a better job than a 5 blade fusion on my face.
--- Quote from: Jews32 on December 18, 2009, 03:24:21 AM ---As much as I'd wanna try a safety razor and the whole associated works,
I can't bring myself to drop 200 bucks on it(as most of the good quality kits cost).
--- End quote ---
I beg to differ, I have been using a DE for a few months now and I spent no where
near 200 bucks. Here is my set up.
I have added different blades since this picture. Over all, I have maybe spent
30 bucks on everything. O0
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