I'm sorry, I have to ask what DE is?
Double-Edge safety razor. Your dad probably had one. I learned to shave with one of these, then graduated to a single-edge injector razor.
Although I have no real issues for my head shaving and am Happy with where I'm currently at with that and enjoy it, Face shaving is still a chore for me. For a guy who's only 21, I have a fairly heavy beard and fair/sensitive skin. Currently I use a sensor 3 and have used the fusion and mach 3 as well. Frankly Its difficult to shave with these(redness, irritation bumps(going against the grain). I can only shave with the grain normally and on occasion I can shave once going across the grain. I've been reading into it alot lately and pretty much all of the people who switched to DE claimed that those problems disappeared upon finding the right type of razor, blade, and settings if the razor is adjustable. I'm really on the fence about trying this and was hoping I could get some opinions/help on this matter.hope to hear from you guys and thanks for your help...
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